LOGOS Enterprises

Welcome to LOGOS Enterprises!
LOGOS Enterprises, setup in 2008 provides specialised advisory services to the Energy Sector in the Indian Sub-Continent, Middle East & APAC
At LOGOS, we have enviable experience in Turnkey & Stand Alone services to the Energy Majors in the Indian Sub-Continent.
We enable our clients in achieving a presence and edge in the industry with specialist partners
Our experience in the industry have ensure on-time execution with high client satisfaction. And our quality of services have ensured lasting relationships
For any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Year Established
Projects Completed
Contract Win %

Artificial Lift
LOGOS provides solutions with its artificial lift services to raise oil to the surface in the case of wells which do not produce output by means of natural energy since the reservoir pressure has declined. The same can be facilitated by the use of sucker-rod pumps, hydraulic pumps, submersible pumps, and gas lift.
Products and Services:
Gas Lift
Electrical Submersible Pumps
Hydraulic Lifting Systems
Horizontal Pumping Systems
Monitoring Systems
Gas Lift Optimization Software
Progressing Cavity Pumps
Surface Power & Control

Construction Services
LOGOS provides project management, engineering, construction, procurement, operations and maintenance services to the Oil & Gas Industry.
We provide offshore construction and support services including pipeline construction, platform installation and removal, and diving services.
LOGOS and it's partners with their well-experienced teams and network of partner offices around the world, use integrated project management techniques to provide local solutions across all size of projects - for small as well as large projects.

Diving & Underwater Services
LOGOS provides top quality diving services to our clients in the Oil & Gas Industry
Our services include:
Maintenance and repair of platforms, rigs, and pipelines
Replacement of pipelines, risers and conductors.
Underwater ship repair and maintenance, including cleaning and leak repairs.
Rig support diving services.
underwater construction services.
Diving support for pipe laying.
SBM and SPM installation, operation and maintenance.

Drilling Services
LOGOS with it's partners provides quality services in all aspects of Drilling operations including:
- Horizontal Drilling,
- Long Drift Side Track,
- Short Drift Side Track,
- HSE and allied jobs connected with drilling,
- Repair and maintenance of equipment and tools used for drilling,
- Providing highly skilled manpower.
- Testing of wells and well control
- Services for long radius, medium radius and short radius wells
- Services connected with non destructive testing of all types of tubulars and drilling equipment
- Conducting safety survey jobs for drilling sites

E & P
LOGOS is of the view that the outlook for the upstream sector is extremely positive due to the widening gap between demand and supply in the energy sector globally.
The New Exploration Licensing Policy has provided immense thrust and direction to the reforms in the upstream sector due to the decontrol of oil and gas exploration and production.
LOGOS with it's excellent relationships and network have the distinct advantage in Exploration opportunities in and around India for Offshore, Onshore and Deep Water areas.
Along with our partners, LOGOS have a increased focus in the Indian sub -continent where fairly adequate seismic data is available and exploration opportunities are on the rise

Integrated Maintenance Contract
LOGOS undertakes turnkey & bespoke maintenance contracts for offshore unmanned platforms. The scope includes the supply, fabrication, instrumentation, piping, electrical jobs, structural works and equipment, maintenance/repair jobs, along with procurement of material, spares, tools and tackles etc.
The fabrication jobs include repair/modification/addition in existing surface facilities of oil/gas/water transportation, well fluid separation, gas compression, pumping water injection, gas lift, various piping, leakage rectifications various instrumentation jobs, maintenance of various surface facilities etc.

Artificial Lift
LOGOS provides solutions with its artificial lift services to raise oil to the surface in the case of wells which do not produce output by means of natural energy since the reservoir pressure has declined. The same can be facilitated by the use of sucker-rod pumps, hydraulic pumps, submersible pumps, and gas lift.
Products and Services:
Gas Lift
Electrical Submersible Pumps
Hydraulic Lifting Systems
Horizontal Pumping Systems
Monitoring Systems
Gas Lift Optimization Software
Progressing Cavity Pumps
Surface Power & Control

Integrated Project Management
provides expertise in project and work planning, scheduling and control techniques.
We have the necessary leadership team to plan and execute strategies which would ensure successful implementation and execution within timelines.
The Project team ensure that milestones and deliverables are achieved as project and planned.
The Team collaborates internally to successfully integrate various work packages, respond to identified user requirements, track and submit time sheets, invoices, progress reports, and contribute to the collection of data for formative and summative evaluations

Offshore Manning
LOGOS provides manpower to Offshore Rigs, Offshore Vessels (OSVs), Engineering & Maintenance services, Representation of Overseas Companies in India and Marine Crew Management.
LOGOS maintains it's quality of services through constant upgradations of our systems and processes, continuous training of our employees and our focus on maintaining international quality standards.
LOGOS specializes in the hiring and crew management of personnel required for installations such as:
Jack Up
Semi Submersible
Marine Offshore Process Platform
Offshore Vessel

Marine Services
LOGOS provides comprehensive logistics and transportation solutions to the Offshore Oil and Gas Sector by way of provision of Supply Vessels, Oil Tankers, Tugs, Barges etc either available locally or from our associates overseas.
The fleet of offshore vessels includes:
Anchor Handling Tugs and Supply (AHTS)
Anchor Handling Tugs (AHT)
Utility Crew Boats
Accommodation and Heavy Barges
Offshore Drilling Rigs
Ocean going Tugs

Marine Services
Charter Hire of AHTS/ OSV / PSV / MSV
Anchor Handling Services
Towing and Mooring of FPSO/ FSO/ Platforms/ Rigs
Mobilisation/ De-Mobilisation of FPSO
Vessel Assistance and Support Services
Vessel Repair and Maintenance
Chartering of Offshore Accommodation Barges
Chartering of Offshore Construction Heavy Lift Barges
Transportation of Bulk and Deck Cargo
LOGOS provides our clients with modern and cost effective vessels worldwide. Our expertise and network enables us to provide Multi-purpose fleet of vessels on-demand for Spot or Long term contracts

Reservoir Evaluation
LOGOS enables it's clients identify and understand the key geologic and engineering factors that contribute to exploration success and control reservoir performance and recovery efficiency.
Reservoir evaluation covers stratigraphy, depositional facies, reservoir architecture, exploration history, basin evolution and petroleum systems, structure, trap mechanism, rock and fluid properties, development strategies, reserves and production, recovery mechanism, reservoir management and improved recovery techniques.

Solar Energy
LOGOS undertakes work for turnkey projects which include complete replacing/revamping of unmanned platforms with the complete solar panels, battery banks, charge controller, cables, etc. along with installation & commissioning of Solar Power Supply for Telemetry & Gas Detection System of the unmanned platforms along with installation and commissioning of the entire System.
LOGOS along with its in-house expertise of qualified Engineers / Consultants as well as technical collaboration with leading players in Solar Photovoltaic Panels industry, are in an excellent position to execute turnkey projects in this area.

Reservoir Modeling/Simulation
provides all aspects of reservoir engineering and simulation . Along with our partners, we have extensive experience with major commercial reservoir simulation software and have undertaken reservoir-engineering studies globally.
LOGOS strongly believes that better reservoir characterization is the key to more reliable reservoir simulations and hence has a team with a strong background in reservoir characterization and geostatistics. Along with the latest geological modeling and integrated reservoir modeling software, they enable the construction of geologically realistic simulation grids.

Steel Renewal
LOGOS undertakes steel renewal for offshore rigs drilling in various locations in India. The scope of work includes complete repair/renewal of the hull of the rigs including procurement of steel, tools and tackles, fabrication, repair & maintenance, ABS inspection for quality checks etc.

Risk Management & Training Consultancy
LOGOS offers a range of specialized services including Front End Design, Process Validation, Flow Assurance, Reliability Availability & Maintainability (RAM) and Process Trouble Shooting in the area of Risk Management & Training Consultancy.
LOGOS with it's partners provide expertise in the following areas:
1. Risk Management
2. Health and Safety Management
3. Environmental Management
4. Training
5. Human Factors
6. Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
7. Systems Performance and Validation
* Click here for detailed training topics

Well Services
LOGOS provides services to assist operators with management of their wells, through Well Engineering, Well Technology, Well Services and Well Integrity.
We provide services to both major and independent operators in the upstream Oil and Gas industry, to enable our clients maximise the value of their assets through safe, efficient and economic exploitation of their hydrocarbon reserves.
We enable the maximum value and cost effectiveness of their operations by safely delivering the right blend of field proven well engineering techniques and state-of-the-art technology

Integrated Asset Modeling
Once the Reservoir, Wells and Complete Surface Systems, Model completed and the production history matched, LOGOS assists in optimising the production system and in the running the production forecasts.
Our unique approach for optimization enables Engineers determine optimum settings which lead to improved production and revenues, within constraints in the system setup. The above lead to adjustments at the field that achieve the improved targets. In addition, the Integrated Asset Model enables the simultaneous modeling of the injection and production systems.
Through this approach, naturally flowing well configurations, including multi-lateral, whether naturally flowing or with artificial lift can be modelled and improved together.
LOGOS counts among it's customers an august list of Global Energy Majors, Large Regional Organisations & Local Specialists in the sector. We have well-nurtured long standing relationships with Energy Producers, Asset Operators, Vessel Principals and Management Companies.
For any enquiries, questions or commendations, please contact us on the details provided or fill out the following form
Mailing Address
LOGOS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd
Post Bag No. 7056
SC P&T Colony P.O.
Mumbai 400 029
Fax: +91 22 3916 7296
Email: info@logosenterprises.co.in